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Consigned to Border: The Terror and Possibilities in The Things not Seen, 1997

First exhibited inSITE97, San Diego 1997

This set of 5 interlocking images poses questions of landscape and land use across the shared and identical geography of Tijuana and San Diego. It uses the violence of collage (video graphics) — in particular, it’s ability to radically rupture and transform an environment — to foreground the differences in infrastructures, flows of capital, and culture between these two sites. The T-shaped structure sets up a number of antinomies or contradictions that might be provoked by comparing the various landscapes.


5 channel video-sound projection on a T shaped sign. Dimensions variable.

Related publications:

There is nothing so _____ as that border in the mind, 2006,                    Press release from Karin Sachs show Download Link

Liminal Zones, Download Link

Interview, LAPIZ 243, Download Link

Space that Art Makes, Judith Barry, Download Link


Animated gif taken from the animated 3D rendering of the installation

drawing for Terror_numbers.jpg

Installation diagram.


Panel 1 is the San Diego coast as it exists today in a series of classic "tourist" images. The harbor and the downtown area crossed by the ever-present airplanes.  


Panel 2 is the San Diego train going from San Diego to one of the Mexican border crossings in a series of time-lapse videos.


Panel 3 is the maquiladora section of Tijuana, a fast-growing, multinational industrial area that engages in various types of manufacturing. The dissolving images appearing across the panorama seemingly burning out-of-control are examples of existing forms of land-use along the border.


Panel 4 is a busy pedestrian crosswalk in Tijuana shown as a timelapse series of videos.


Panel 5 is the Tijuana coastline showing three potential land uses, not yet materialized, but certainly looming on the horizon.

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