First exhibited Thread Waxing Space, NYC 1994.
A crate seems to have fallen from the sky, spilling its contents, mostly ‘dead technology’. As you approach, it seems to move and shift slightly as though sentient. Looking inside, various parts seem to activate as you come closer. Gradually, you realize it is one organism, trying to re-animate using a humorous and low tech version of the ‘bottom -up’ approach to producing artificial intelligence.
Collaboration with Brad Miskell. Crate with ‘dead tech’ coaxed back to life: computer discards, 3 video monitors, surveillance camera, 3 video projections, 37 various other technological devices, programmed ‘random motion’ board, sound. Wood, paint, mixed media. Dimensions 6’x 6’x4’. First exhibited Thread Waxing Space, NYC 1994.
Related publications:
Village Voice, Kim Levin, 1994, Download Link
New York Times, Holland Cotter, 1994, Download Link
Art in America, Eleanor Heartney, 1995, Download Link
Sunday Courier-News, Ralph Bellatoni, 1995, Download Link
Christian Science Monitor, David Sterritt, 1995, Download Link
New York Observer, Grace Glueck, 1995, Download Link
New York Times, Charles Hagan, 1995, Download Link
The Star Ledger, Patricia Turner, 1995, Download Link

Hardcell, installed at MoMA, 1995
Exterior view of Hardcell showing one of the bladders that inflates and two crate holes with view of computers interacting

Hardcell, MoMA, 1995
Screen shot of one of the 3 Hardcell computer’s interaction.

Hardcell, MoMA, 1995
CU of surveillance video of indeterminate figure nestled deep in interrior of Hardcell. Visible from left side tear at the top of the Hardcell by leaning over…

Hardcell, MoMA, 1995
View of Hardcell computer interacting, buried deep in floor/side covered by industrial and computer detritus of various types

Hardcell, MoMA, 1995
CU screen shot of what that computer is typing

Hardcell, MoMA, 1995
View of interior of Hardcell with computer monitor in back, smaller monitor in front. All covered in detritus on top of small, fan activated bladders that move and slowly shift as they inflate and deflate.